The Art of Optical Illusion
What do man-made illusions tell us about patterns in nature?


The rubric presented here accounts for the various levels of participation along the way of this inquiry. 


 Categories  A B
"Optical Illusion"
Prior knowledge exercises and ’crazy fork’ drawing. 
 Pre-knowledge quiz:   complete participation, correct answers.

Complete crazy fork drawing.
Pre-knowledge quiz:   mostly complete participation, mostly correct answers.

Complete most of crazy fork drawing
 Pre-knowledge quiz:   half complete participation, half correct answers.

Complete half of crazy fork drawing
Pre-knowledge quiz:   quarter complete participation, quarter correct answers.

Complete one quarter of crazy fork drawing
 Term Association  Matching game complete and correct

Follow up worksheet complete and correct.
 Matching game mostly complete and mostly correct

Follow up worksheet mostly complete and mostly correct
 Matching game half complete and half correct

Follow up worksheet half complete and half correct
Matching game quarter complete or quarter correct

Follow up worksheet quarter complete or quarter correct
Concept webs: Exploratory and Fractals Unleashed Filled in completely with all guided points. Mostly filled in with relevant details
Half comlpete or half correct
Quarter complete or quarter correct
"Attention" and "Perception" End quiz complete and correct
End quiz mostly complete or mostly correct
End quiz half complete or half correct  End quiz quarter complete or quarter correct
Venn Diagram
At least four differences
At least four similarities
At least three differences
At least three similarities
At least two differences
At least two similarities
One or more categories incomplete
Writing shows fundamental and inferrential understanding of topic.  Writing shows clarity and accuracy.
Writing shows fundamental understanding of topic.  Writing shows some clarity and qualified accuracy.
Writing shows qualified fundamental understanding.  Writing adheres to the subject.
Writing shows limited fundamental understanding.  Writing may veer from the subject.