Wild About Weather
How is temperature, humidity, and wind speed affected by different environmental conditions?

Use videos and handouts to enhance student understanding of the cause and effect of weather related events.

Have students complete the WebQuest for Natural Disasters, then complete the News Alert in their English classes.

Additional sites that will be used to analyze data:

          Weather Forecasting        

      MFMS Weather Webcam   

      MFMS Weather Station   

Students will track and plot storm fronts as they are identifed by the NWS.


SCI-9-12-G.2.6. The student knows the ways in which humans today are placing their environmental support systems at risk (e.g., rapid human population growth, environmental degradation, and resource depletion).
H The Nature of Science
Standard 1 The student uses the scientific processes and habits of mind to solve problems.
SCI-9-12-H.1.7. The student understands the importance of a sense of responsibility, a commitment to peer review, truthful reporting of the methods and outcomes of investigations, and making the public aware of the findings.
Standard 3 The student understands that science, technology, and society are interwoven and interdependent.
SCI-9-12-H.3.3. The student knows that scientists can bring information, insights, and analytical skills to matters of public concern and help people understand the possible causes and effects of events.