Teacher Guide for a "Unit of Practice" Project

Open Wide for a Tooth Fairy Ride!

By Pat Runnells
Meet the Author

"What do you believe happens to your tooth when it falls out?"


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Grade Level: 1

Curriculum Areas:
Focus: English/Language Arts
Secondary: Dental Health

Language Arts/ Dental health

Creative Writing, Dental Health, Tooth Fairy Lore

Time to Complete Project:
30 minutes a day for 4 days each week for 2 weeks.
First grade students will read a wide variety of literature on how to care for their teeth and will explore the stories from around the world on beliefs about what happens to all those baby teeth.
They will also will use a combination of Kid Pix, Clarisworks for Kids to create their own version of what the tooth fairy looks like and will write their own tooth fairy story.Using Kidspiration they will complete a diagram of ways to keep their teeth healthy.